
Kapikachhu capsules are used to naturally boosts Dopamine levels in the body. Calms the senses. Relieves anxiety and stress. Excellent aphrodisiac. Enhances sexual health, vitality and vigor. Boosts sperm count and motility. Improves ovarian health & stimulates ovulation.


What does Kapikachhu do for you?

  • Kapikachhu is a potent nervine tonic. It is a natural L-Dopa supplement that increases Dopamine levels in the body. Healthy levels of Dopamine are indispensable for smooth sensory function and mental agility. It calms the senses and relieves anxiety and stress.
  • Increased Dopamine levels are believed to improve nerve conduction. It naturally manages movement disorders typical of neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s.
  • The drug has intense Vata-Pitta hara action. Excited Vata manifests as rigidity, dryness, roughness, loss of function and tingling sensation in the body. Kapikachhu grounds and stabilizes the erratic Vata. It soothes the nervous system and restores vitality and vigor.
  • Cowhage has superlative aphrodisiac quality. It enhances sexual drive in both men and women. It sustains the healthy functioning of the male and female reproductive organs.
  • It improves the quality of sperm and ovum. Evidence-based studies corroborate its efficacy in improving sperm count and motility. It is very effective in remedying infertility due to the poor quality of sperm.
  • It improves ovarian health and stimulates ovulation. Hormonal balance is indispensable for timely ovulation and fertilization. Kapikachhu sets metabolism on track, which in turn ensures hormonal health in women.

Why Kapikachhu?

The Madhura Rasa (sweet taste) and Ushna Veerya (hot & energetic potency) make Kapikachhu or Cowhage, as it is commonly called, an ideal drug for kick-starting a sluggish metabolism, while gently nourishing the body tissues in quantity and quality. It directly promotes the healthy function of neurotransmitters and improves mental health and functions. The drug is relaxing and grounding to an excited nervous system.

‘Ojas’ is a comprehensive concept of absolute health in Ayurveda. It denotes the person’s vitality as a measure of mental and physical health. Kapikachhu has been hailed by Ayurvedic texts for efficiently nurturing and stabilizing the Ojas in an individual.

Ayurveda considers a healthy progeny as a ‘Purushartha’, the sublime purpose of human life. Kapikachhu is revered by the Ayurvedic system of healing for its absolute potential to boost virility, especially in males.

A retrospective study conducted at the Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow, India has established the efficacy of M. Pruriens in increasing sperm concentration and motility in infertile study groups.

Vedic wisdom:

Ayurvedic pharmacodynamics

Rasa: Madhura, Tikta

Guna: Guru, Snigdha

Virya: Ushna

Vipaka: Madhura

Karma: Vata-Pitta hara, Balya, Brhmana, Vajikarana, Rasayana

Classical reference from Bhavaprakasa Nighantu:

Translated as – Kapikachhu has intense Vrsya (improving fertility) property, has Madhura and Tikta Rasa (sweet and bitter taste), Guru Guna (heavy, groudning stabilising property) and Brhmana Swabhava (bulk promoting). It is Vata hara (pacifies Vata), Balya (strengthening) and relieves Raktapitta (bleeding disorders brought about by aggravated Pitta). It has superlative aphrodisiac property.


L-dopa, Mucunine, Mucunadine, Prurienine, Purienine, Tryptamine, Choline , Enzyme – Protease – Mucunain etc.

Botanical name: Mucuna Pruriens
Family: Fabacea
English name: Cowhage
Hindi name: Gonca
Malayalam name: Naykurana
Sanskrit name: Kapikachhu, Atmagupta


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